
The Machine Intelligence Operating System (M.I.O.S.)

Introducing M.I.O.S.

M.I.O.S. is the core of the SEYOLA infrastructure that acts as the foundation for developing all future products. It serves as a source that introduces intelligent functionality when integrated to both physical and virtual machines, similar to how operating systems power up computers. The customization capabilities of M.I.O.S. allows for personalization, making each system unique to its owner and dynamic in nature.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) technology will be used to enable full ownership of M.I.O.S. Holders will be able to customize and have access to its complete utility as it develops. Furthermore, the holder will have IP rights which allows commercial use of data, insights, and intelligence (more details on legal aspects later).

The total supply is set to be 2,000 units.

The key to own a unit of M.I.O.S. will be through the SEYOLA access pass. The launch date of the pass is set to be around Q2 2023. More details about the launch will be released on the SEYOLA official Twitter and Instagram pages.

SEYOLA Access Pass Information

The SEYOLA access pass serves as a means of owning a single M.I.O.S. unit and accessing all the utilities early. A significant proportion of the funds generated through the sale of the access pass (more than 80%) will be redirected towards community building, furthering the development of M.I.O.S., and covering business operational costs, with a margin set aside for unforeseen circumstances (such as a bear market). The remaining funds will be utilized to cover expenses leading up to the launch of the pass.

To be clear, each SEYOLA access pass is equivalent to one unit of the Machine Intelligence Operating System (M.I.O.S.). Although SEYOLA not explicitly an art project, the team has placed a strong emphasis on the designs as it will serve a critical role in facilitating customization and utilization within the SEYOLA ecosystem.

The SEYOLA access pass grants the holder access to all the utilities within SEYOLA. While the full range of utilities of M.I.O.S. will not disclosed at this time, the following points provide insight into some of what can be expected:

  • It represents the core of SEYOLA , thereby granting the holder access to the full power of SEYOLA. This is a crucial point because one of the biggest challenges of impactful technology (i.e., AI super intelligence) is democratizing of access to it.

  • It is dynamic and intelligent.

  • It will continuously grow in functionality for different applications, starting with wealth creation & management, and later expanding to other areas.

  • It acts as a brain for any product it is connected to or integrated with, enabling it to operate with intelligence and efficiency.

  • It will provide revenue-sharing as shareholders in the company in the future.

Last updated